Situated at the centre of the Mediterranean, Malta has a long tradition of international business that goes back as far as the Phoenicians in the first millennium BC. The Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Knights of St. John and others, along with the French and British all realised the economic potential of the Maltese Islands. For close to two centuries Malta was the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean home-port…

WHY choose MIC
Malita International College is Licensed (2021-014) by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority as a Further and Higher Education Institute.
College offers many renowned courses from which the students can choose from. The quality of education is second to none and world-class trainers and lecturers provide the students an opportunity to develop on multiple levels.
As Malta was a British colony till 1964, most of the locals speak fluent English. Maltese and English are the official languages. This makes it easy for international students to converse with the locals without major troubles. Malta has a growing community of international students which makes Malta a very welcoming location for Indian students.
When compared to other European countries Malta is much more economical. For an outsider, it is easy to live there without taking a hit on their savings. Malta provides high standard of living with moderate costs. Students get added advantages in many places which helps to reduce the expenses even more. The public transport is cheap and they provide special offers for students.
The eligibility requirements for student visas are relatively straightforward, but there are some important pieces of documentation needed such as an original passport recognized by the government of Malta, a copy of specific data or informational pages, a passport photo and one signed student visa applications being some of them.
Malta is blessed with 300 plus days of sunlight every year and even in the coldest times the climate is much better than many other European countries. The Maltese culture expresses joy and happiness with festivities and outdoor activities throughout the year. When it comes to cuisine, Maltese cuisine is diverse with fresh seafood being the staple along with the abundance of fruits and vegetables.
Malta is one of the safest countries in the world. The islanders are very friendly and well-educated people. The rate of crimes on the island is one of the lowest in Europe and the island is listed as one of the safest places in the world to live with less occurrence of natural disasters.
Malta is situated in a privileged location in the Mediterranean sea. The country has medieval cities and landscapes which creates immense opportunities to explore the island.
Malta provides opportunities for an international student to come and experience the island at its fullest. Apart from its quality of education, the culture and people of Malta creates an unforgettable experience for each and every student who comes to Malta.
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Latest Intake is from June 23 and next intakes is October 23 and February 24
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